Giving Back

How We Give Back

San Antonio is our home and giving back to this community is important to us. We have several passion projects during the year that fill our heart and allow us to put our skills and connections to work to serve those in need among us.

We Love St. Jude

2019 was the second year in a row that we designed and staged the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway to help raise a million dollars to treat childhood cancer. We gladly donate our design services and furnishings in order to help this charity that is dear to our hearts. Families never receive a bill from St. Jude which flies in the families, houses them and provides medical care for their children at no cost. Each home is a 9 month commitment and allows us to collaborate with so many great local companies in the process. It is an honor to be a part of this and we look forward to continuing our support of St. Jude again this year.


Bringing Furniture to Those in Need

We help coordinate donations to the Center for Refugee Services to provide furniture for new arrival refugee families. We are thankful for our kind-hearted clients who generously donate their old furniture to this cause. When we arrive to our client’s home with brand new furniture, we offer to have their old furniture removed and donated. It is truly heart-warming to deliver these items along with the very basic houseware necessities to parents and children starting over with nothing and in need. It has given us opportunities to form long lasting relationships.


Military Thanksgiving

We are sincerely thankful for our military family and community. It has been a pleasure to bring food and serve Thanksgiving Dinner to the new local recruits while participating in this GSABA annual event. The Greater San Antonio Builder’s Association banquet hall is full of active and retired military and packed full of volunteers like us who are grateful for their service.


Children’s Hospital Christmas

It has been the highlight of our Christmas season for the last 8 years to volunteer and donate Christmas décor to The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. Our kiddy themed Christmas tree can be found in the Child Life Center. We are truly thankful for the healthy children in our lives and cherish the opportunity to bring holiday cheer to the children and staff there. It is a long-standing tradition which we have added to over the years as the hospital has grown and we hope to continue for many years to come.
